Live Medical Meetings
Let us plan, develop, and implement your next live medical meeting, wellness fair, CME meeting and advisory boards.
Medical Conferences
Site selection, site inspection, and contract negotiation
Coordinate travel for participants
Provide welcome gifts to participants
Oversee meeting production and management
Coordinate theme dinners, leisure activities, award banquets, and any other needs specific to your meeting
Wellness Fairs
Premier Meeting Services will coordinate and manage your customized free health fair. Our staff will work closely with you to identify the health and wellness needs of your organization and bring in practitioners and exhibitors who match these needs from our consortium.
Medical Meetings and Advisory Boards
Site selection, site inspection, and contract negotiation
Liaise with web team to create website for meeting abstracts, meeting registration, hotel reservations, meeting information, commercial supporter information, exhibit hall floor plan, leisure activities, and any other needs specific to your meeting
Liaise with graphics for brochure
Liaise with medical writers, if necessary
Coordinate with speakers and confirm all timelines are met
Liaise with AV vendors
Coordinate travel and honoraria with invited guest faculty
Oversee production of meeting program book
Provide welcome packet to faculty and meeting participants
CME Meetings
Premier Meeting Services collaborates with xMedica, LLC and their strategic partners to plan, develop and implement live CME conferences, meetings and symposia.
Premier and xMedica have successfully planned and organized CME/CE symposia and conferences at the local, regional, national and international levels, and also in conjunction with major medical associations.
Premier and xMedica’s CME/CE meeting planning services include:
Meeting Planning
Inspect and select site
Negotiate contracts
Select and manage food and beverage
Coordinate faculty travel
Coordinate audiovisual support
Develop faculty welcome packets
Manage onsite meeting planning
Program Management
Manage project implementation
Manage graphic design services
Develop recruitment materials, e.g. website, invitation brochure, journal ads, signage
Develop program materials, e.g. slide presentations, syllabus, CD, and/or DVD
Manage program recruitment, including recruitment website design and management, journal advertising, email blasts, and print mailings
Procure potential learner mail and email lists
Manage faculty communications
Process faculty honoraria
Manage onsite program management
CME/CE Services and Compliance
Ensure compliance with ACCME guidelines
Develop and submit educational grants
Select faculty
Procure CME/CE faculty paperwork
Direct the editorial and content development processes
Liaise with CME/CE accrediting body
Conduct program evaluation
Develop outcomes survey and conduct outcomes evaluation
Draft live meeting executive summary
Develop and disseminate enduring materials